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Free inventory management software

2024-05-02 12:55| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

I have a very small business, just me, and the revenue is still pretty low. So it is such a relief that my entire budget doesn't have to go to monthly fees, and that I didn't have to take the time to build my own. So many great features, and the developers are constantly adding new things (that you can vote on!). I've only had to contact customer service a few times, but the times I have, they have been very personable and patient.

GetApp Category leaders 2019

in Inventory Management Software category

I love this module of Zoho. I have used the paid and free versions. Both are great. For the free version, it is very well worth it. The paid version is very inexpensive and has a fabulous quality for the price! Highly suggested for inventory. It is great because you can integrate other modules as well for more efficiency.

G2 Crowd Category leaders Summer 2019

in Inventory Management Software category






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